What are the Things That Make a Successful Project?

For all its use of concrete, construction is not always the most concrete industry. What determines success or failure in any given project can often be fairly arbitrary, subject to the whims and tastes of a client and to other factors outside of the control of the contractor or subcontractor. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s pointless to attempt to qualify what success looks like! Instead, it’s important to approach the question of “what makes a successful construction project?” with a curious eye and some verifiable benchmarks. Here at DESCCO Design and Construction, these are some of the things we look for from our team and our subcontractors that allow us to feel confident in the work we do. 

Budget and Time Compliance 

When we work with a new client in the early stages of their project, budget and timeframe are some of the first things we talk about, and for good reason. At the end of the day, people usually

don’t have unlimited money to spend and unlimited time to waste on getting a space functional and ready for use, so staying on time and on budget is of paramount importance. It doesn’t matter how wonderful the final building is if it was completed late and for a much higher price than a client signed up for! This is one of the most useful metrics for judging the success of a construction project, and it’s one that we at DESCCO take very seriously. 

Quality Materials 

No client wants a building that looks great from a distance, but is actually made of cheap, flimsy, and short-lived materials. Even a space built by the most gifted and experienced craftsmen can be considered a failed project with the wrong materials. Finding and sourcing the right materials 

is often a full time job in and of itself, making it difficult for a contracting team to undertake themselves. Outsourcing this task to professional, reliable subcontractors is a good way to ensure a successful project with quality materials. 

Skillful Detail Work 

Painting, tiling, stonework, and all other kinds of finishing on a construction project are a huge part of the general effect of the completed space, and a big contributor to the overall success of a project. While a client walking through their new building might not be able to tell if poor materials or outdated methods were used to construct the bones of the structure, they can tell if the paint job or tilework isn’t well done. At DESCCO, relying on subcontractors who do a specific type of finishing as their sole business allows us to provide the highest quality and expertise outside of our own construction focus! 

Safe and Professional Plumbing and Electrical 

Well-done plumbing and electrical wiring in a space is about more than just form or function– it’s about safety and the wellbeing of every person who will use the building in question. These are highly specialized disciplines that require years of education and experience to do well, which is why at DESCCO we choose to bring in subcontractors who have the qualifications to do the job right. When the safety and functionality of a project hangs in the balance, we don’t trust anyone but the experts! 

If our team here at DESCCO Design and Construction can look over a project and check these boxes, we feel comfortable saying that we did our job well. Success is something that we strive for at all times, and between our professional team members and trusted subcontractors, it’s something we’re glad to enjoy so often!